I'm Waiting You

hey , shafiq here !

Bonjour Guys!. You was stuck in my blog.
Do follow and do comment my entry ya.
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Cuti Sekolah :P
Wednesday, 25 January 2012 | 07:27 | 0 BlackWhite
haii cutii nie , aku ingt ann boleyy laa aku brehat dry suasanee sekolahh nie , upe-IInye , HAMPEH !!
adow lakk training takraw , fuhh ! tekejott akuu dngr bdak-II nie katee at aku sblom cuti uhh . ckgu yg ngajar aku takraw uhh plakk , garang cam SINGEE , terpaksee laa , aku kneww atang training uhh .ARY-II lak uhh .hmm . nasebb badaannn . =/ .

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