I'm Waiting You

hey , shafiq here !

Bonjour Guys!. You was stuck in my blog.
Do follow and do comment my entry ya.
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DEMAM ~ :'(
Thursday, 12 January 2012 | 05:01 | 0 BlackWhite
 Demam , Demam , Demam .. .aduhhai . da 3 hari demam aku nie xbaek-2 . makan ubat da , tp , effect nt0k baek p0n , TAKDE ! hmm . Mintak-mintak , mse cuti nie , baek laa demam aku niee .
Nanti aku ley SEKOLAH balek !!

HEHE = =" 0kelah , sampai snie jelah ak ley cter tentang DEMAM aku nie . huhu .0ke .papai .smek0m .(:

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