I'm Waiting You

hey , shafiq here !

Bonjour Guys!. You was stuck in my blog.
Do follow and do comment my entry ya.
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Friday, 13 January 2012 | 07:21 | 0 BlackWhite
     Da lame daa aku kenal budak pompan nie at MUKABUKU . comel jek muke dye . baek , pndaii belawak ngn akuu . hmm .. tpy , malangnye dy daa BERPUNYE lahh . hmm .aku da TERsuke kt udk uh . tak tahu laa kenape . ary-2 ak asyek ingt jek psal dyee . .
ak cube nk try msok "LINE" dy , tpy , asew-2 aku, tuu sume angan-2 bingai kot . yelah ,budk p0mpan uh da de pakwe , xkn nk tnggu dy pt0z ngn pkwe dy lak kan, .? hmm .

0kelah , cnie jew la aku cter kt kowang sal prsaan aku nie ,.HUHU . 0ke, boiboi . Assalmualaikum . XD

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