I'm Waiting You

hey , shafiq here !

Bonjour Guys!. You was stuck in my blog.
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"Extra" Kelas :D
Sunday, 11 March 2012 | 09:15 | 0 BlackWhite
cuti sminggu bulan 3 nie cam apee tahh , akuu ingatt an bole cuti ntokk rest kee , lepak-II ngn kawann kee , nie takk , ade jee kelas2 tambhann nie . hm . bolee pecahh kpale otakk aku , asyek nk kne bljaa je , nk laa jugaa , rehat2 kt umahh , tidorr ke , bess kan ? haha . tapy rehat2 ntokk blajaa ni aku memg tak bolee laa taonnn ne . yelhaa , " Candicates PMR " katekann , haha . cikgu skola aku sanggop uat ape saje , ntokk jadykan ank murid die nie pndai2 . :D 

Sayang kauu laa cikguu <3 

Papaii , :-D 

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